Cambridge, May 2005. Clare College Chapel.
Tikhvin 2004. Playing with the Mariinski orchestra at one of their open air settings!
Stockholm, November 2004. Concert Hall. 35th anniversary of my good friends, Sodra Bergens Balalaikor Orchestra.
Same place. Playing solo.
Standing in the middle of the stage - feels like you're a Nobel prize winner!
Institute of Tobo. November 2004. Having a go on Swedish keyed fiddle nyckeharpa!
St. Petersburg Conservatoire 2004. My former ensemble.
Orchestra rehearsal. Me on chromatic gusli.
Cambridge 2004. Behind me a part of the beautiful Kings College Chapel.
Cambridge 2004. Me and Nick Collon have just finished playing.
London 2004. Tower Bridge.
Riga 2004. Latvian Music Academy.
Same place - Farewell party.
Aberdeen, Scotland 2003. Art Gallery.
Scotland 2003. Me and Corrina Hewat, clarsach player.
Now me having a go on a Scottish harp clarsach!
Brussels 2002. City Museum of musical instruments.
Me being interviewed by Peter.
Tavricheski palace, St. Petersburg 2002.
Sweden 2002. Entertain me!
Listening to a Japanese playing some weird instrument
Haapavesi, Finland 2002. Me, Brendan Power and Alladin jamming.
Playing in a haapaveden church.
St Peter Cathedral, St. Petersburg 2001.
All Russia Competition, Tver 2001. Playing with Russian National Osipov orchestra.
Vesanto, Finland 2001. Market square.